Friday, July 26, 2013

SS: Fix the WAY You Eat

SS: Fix the WAY you Eat

By Tim Cullen


I believe a major problem in the health of people can be attributed to the process in which people eat their meals. Obviously it is very important to consider the food you consume in trying to lead a healthier life, but what must be considered is our eating habits as well. In this article I am going to highlight some problems I think many people have when they are consuming their meals and ways to fix these problems.

1. Eating Environment - Probably the most important aspect to consider when eating your meal is preparing where to eat the meal. It's most important to eat your meal in a environment where you will not be distracted, for example the television, to ensure that you can be aware of your satiety. If you are distracted while eating you may be more prone to overeating, because you will be sharing your attentiveness with other sources.

2.  Social Situation - You have to be aware of who you are eating with when consuming your meal. Obviously people don't like to eat alone, but I would try and avoid eating with large groups of people. This isn't an absolute by any means, but if you eat with a lot of people, you are likely going to be less aware of your satiety. If eating with a group of people I would suggest to eat slow and consider how hungry you really are because some conversations may be distracting.

3. The plates/bowls you use - I suggest using smaller plates or bowls when eating because a major psychological factor when it comes to eating is that we must finish what is on our plate no matter how hungry we are. If you eat with larges plates or bowls, you will be more inclined to not only fill it up to its fullest, but also finish all the food that has situated itself on it. Eating with a smaller plate gives you the opportunity to ask yourself, "Am I still hungry?" before you go get seconds.

4. Give yourself time - We are all guilty of grabbing something quick and running out the door with it or being so hungry that we scarf down a ton of food quickly. This is something that should stop. If you are rushing out the door to eat your breakfast, then I suggest going to bed a little earlier and waking up a little earlier. You should give your body time to consume your meal and you should get your day started right with a balanced breakfast, avoiding a carbohydrate based breakfast and opting for the protein balanced breakfast.

When it comes to eating your dinner as fast as possible, well you really should not be finishing your meal under 15-20 minutes. you have to give your body time to send signals to the brain to tell it that you are no longer hungry. If you eat a ton of food in 10 minutes, you are doing yourself no good due to the fact that you are eating too fast for your body to handle. Slow it down and take your time when it eating your meal.

5. Do not be afraid to stop - Building off what I mentioned in #3, if there is still food left on the plate and you are content with yourself in terms of hunger, then do not be afraid to stop. You can almost always save the food for the next day and if not, it is not the end of the world to throw out a bit of food. The more you cook and eat certain meals, the more comfortable you will get with guessing the size of each portion of the meal to prepare and cook. Make sure you stop when you are satisfied!

I cannot stress it enough when I say that you should only eat until your hunger is gone and you feel satisfied. That does not mean eat food until you feel like you are going to burst. It is important to find that contented feeling with yourself and you should be aware of it every time you sit down to eat. It is also important to remember to keep yourself refreshed with water to ensure that your body functions properly, nutrition circulation up to speed and to keep your brain alert of your surroundings. Remember that it is not only WHAT you eat, but it is also HOW you eat it!

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