Sunday, December 29, 2013

Resolutionary Action!


        Resolutions are pointless.... They are pointless when they are made halfheartedly, with little to no thought. Let's see if I've pegged your goals for the New Year?

        This year I'm going to start exercising again. This year I am going to start eating better. This year I am going to be a better person.....

         Well these are pretty pathetic goals if you don't mind me saying it. Think about it this way. What's eating healthier consist of? What does exercising more mean? How are you going to be a nicer person?

         "Oh well I had a salad today, that's healthier than I have been eating, so I guess that means I can eat that chocolate cake later tonight..... Well I did go to the gym two times this year! that's one more time then last year? Goal met!..... Oh well I did pick up a pen for that cute girl yesterday, and I gave a dollar to the homeless man across the street from work last week....."

         See what I mean? You're allowing yourself a cope-out by not defining your goals, so that you never actually have to do things differently in order to achieve the goal.

       A lousy goal, makes for halfhearted attempts at bettering yourself for the new year. So why not make a real goal and begin a REAL attempt to better yourself. A fresh year for new beginnings as they say. So let's reflect on the past year and see where these improvements can be made. What obstacles stand in your way? What life hurdles do you need to overcome? What is imperative for you to change?

To assist you all in developing a REAL goal to be achieved I'm going to give you a little glimpse into my life, as well as my new years resolutionary process.

1.) Sit down and Assess

  • Find a nice quiet spot away from it all, to sit down and reflect over the past year, and even the past few years.

  • Grab a pencil and paper and actually write things down! Anything and everything that you would like to improve (you'll probably see a theme developing).

2.) Prioritize & Schedule
  • Decide what you are willing to do on your own and recognize your limitations. For example, If you want to lose weight, maybe you need to think about hiring a trainer or finding a workout buddy for motivation.

  • Buy a planner and make a schedule. Write down several potential times to which you can commit to your goal such as going to the gym. Once you make your goal a realization, then commit to it!

  • Make back-up plans; If you're deciding to eat healthier, this would mean planning out grocery lists and researching recipes and foods you would be willing to eat/substitute for current options [as well as back-up options for the days you don't feel like cooking].
Commit yourself to the Goal

  • Basically in the great words of the NIKE gods; Just do it!

  • In all reality though, realize that there are going to be setbacks. There are going to be days where you want to give up, as well as days where you will give up. 

  • Remember this does not mean you failed! Even the greatest warriors have to go back to lick their wounds at times. Every single day is a battle. So even if you lost today's battle, make certain [absolutely certain] that you still win the war and that you see your goal through to the end. 

        It's time to make yourself the proud new men and women that you want to be. 

Get Your Daily Dose of Fat

Written by: Sam

 Everyone at some point has heard the theory that if we want to be healthy, we have to have a diet in low as fat as possible. As soon as we see the "no fat" label on the food, we don't think twice about getting it because it'll be "healthy". You will see those people who think they are healthy because they're munching on vegetables, fruits, and dry toast all day in order to keep their fat content as low as possible. They have a skinny figure, but they often look pale, have low energy, and are ultimately too skinny. The reason why they're in this state is because we actually need fat; fats keep our internal bodily processes working at an optimum level, gives our body cushion and protection from injuries, along with providing energy, satiety, and good taste to our food. The tricky part, though, is finding the right balance of fat in your diet. If we have too much of it, we are at risk of major health problems, namely heart disease and diabetes. If we don't get enough of it, our body function will be compromised and we will often feel very weak.

So what are the right fats to eat then? Choosing the right fats to eat depends on what it does to our bodies cholesterol level. The two types of cholesterol are called HDL (high density lipoprotein) and LDL (low density lipoprotein). HDL is known as the "good" cholesterol, and it is considered good for a variety of reasons: 1) it helps remove the bad cholesterol 2) it reuses and recycles the bad cholesterol by transporting it to the liver for reprocessing, which prevents it from being detrimental to your health 3) HDL's act as maintenance of the inner walls of blood vessels, and damage to these walls are what the cause of heart attacks and stroke. Looking at the other side of the spectrum, LDL's are considered bad because it contributes to plaque inside your arteries and is the main cause of heart attacks and stroke. With all this being said, I am going to get into the different types of fat out there and talk about which ones we should eat and which ones we should stay away from.

Trans Fat - This is the worst kind of fat you can possibly eat and it is recommended to avoid it at all costs. The thing that makes trans fat so bad is that it raises LDL and lowers HDL at the same time. Trans fats are produced through a process called hydrogenation, where an additional pair of hydrogen atoms is added to a molecule, turning an unsaturated fat into a solid fat. Trans fats are made to improve flavor, texture, and shelf life of foods, but it'll clog up your arteries real quick. Trans fats are often found in cookies, pizza, shortening, cake mixes, and fried foods.

Saturated Fat - saturated fat comes from animal products, raises LDL, and is solid at room temperature. Saturated fat is commonly found in foods such as butter, bacon, cheese, hydrogenated oils, and red meat. The general guideline is to keep your saturated fat count to <10% of your total calories (There are 9 calories in 1 gram of fat). If you don't feel like doing the math, basically do your best to stay away from it whenever you can. But, a slice of pizza and a few slices of bacon never killed anybody, so feel free to go for that every now and then in small amounts!

Go for these instead:
Monounsaturated Fat (MUFA) - comes from plant foods and is considered the healthiest kind of fat because it raises HDL and lowers LDL at the same time. It's found in olive, canola, peanut, and sunflower oil and some common food sources include avocados, nuts, and peanut butter. The three foods I mentioned before may be high in calories and fat, but don't let that scare you off; you are filling yourself with healthy fats/calories so feel free to integrate those into your diet. MUFA's are an important contributor to good heart health and healthy cholesterol levels.

Polyunsatured Fat (PUFA) - this fat is not as good as MUFA's, because although it raises your HDL's, it could slightly raise LDL's as well. PUFA's are found in fatty fish (salmon, tuna, walleye), canola oil, safflower, and corn oil. Just like with MUFA's, they are good for your heart and cholesterol and should be incorporated into your diet.

So is it okay to just eat a lot of fat even if it's healthy fats? The answer is no. Fats will still make you fat if eaten out of control, as the maximum level of fat is 35% of total calories. The key is that you want to eat fats that will improve your health and not clog your arteries. It's easy for people to fall into the trap of seeing MUFA's or PUFA's on the food label and then eating as much as they want because it's healthy fat. But remember, everything should be eaten in moderation.

Helpful Tips/Substitutions in reducing "bad fat" intake:

The following tips I am sharing with you are things that I have tried out for myself, and I don't feel that I've lost out on anything since making the switch. These tips might take awhile to get used to because of the difference in taste, but the new options will still taste great if done well!

1) Go for the reduced fat options for foods - In general, reduced fat food will still have close to the same amount of flavor without the extra, unnecessary fat. Last week I bought reduced fat kettle cooked chips for the house, and they tasted just about the same as regular kettle cooked chips. But at the same time, I know for foods such as cheese, reduced fat options don't melt as well, so in that case, just go for the real stuff.

2) Ditch the red meat, and go for fish - I'm blessed enough to have great cafeterias at Michigan State that serve a wide variety of food, and our cafeterias serve fish everyday. I used to always pass on it and go for the steak/burgers/pot roast that they often serve, which tastes great but kinda leaves me feeling overly fat afterwards. So starting last year, I've been trying to stay away from that as much as I can and choosing the fish they serve instead. Fish gets a bad reputation because people think it's dry, too strong in flavor, or overly light and not filling. I used to think all those things too, but you will be surprised! If prepared well, it can be one of the best tasting proteins out there in my opinion. Fish such as walleye, salmon, or halibut are really meaty and can fill you up just as well as a steak. On top of that, fish is packed with Omega 3's (PUFA), so it will help you feel full, and you will be full with the right fats.

3) Use Olive Oil as a substitute for butter - I used to always spread butter on my bread, because it's a classic combo that tastes great. But after going through my nutrition courses and hearing nothing good about butter, I definitely had to make a change. As mentioned before, Olive oil is a MUFA, so I have been dipping my bread in olive oil and black pepper (fresh cracked pepper is preferred since it has a more pungent flavor), and it honestly tastes better than butter since it brings a more interesting and complex flavor.


Friday, December 20, 2013

The 5 Days of Dessertmas Day 5: Pudding | Yogurt

Day 5: Pudding/Yogurt Desserts

For the last day of dessertmas, we are going to the pudding and yogurt desserts. Sure you can have yogurt as a snack or as a portion of a meal, but there are some custardy desserts out there for you! Below are yogurts and pudding recipes.

Recipe 1: Fat-Free Low-Sugar Strawberry Frozen Yogurt

Fat-free Low-Sugar Strawberry Frozen Yogurt Source

How does it sound to have a dessert with roughly the consistency of ice cream, but without the butter, sugar and all around terrible ingredients for your body? Then you will love this recipe! This is not limited to strawberries, as you can use any fruit, but this recipe is for strawberries.


  • 2 cups strawberries (fresh, cleaned, cut in half or fourths)
  • 1/2 cup preserves (sugar-free or low-sugar Strawberry)
  • 1/2 cup stevia (In the Raw Granulated Sweetener or Splenda, or use sugar if you don't care if the frozen yogurt is low-sugar)
  • 2 cups greek yogurt (fage total 0%, or use any plain or greek yogurt of your choice if you don't care if it's fat-free)

Nutrition Facts per serving:

  • calories: 300
  • total fat: 7g
  • sat fat: 3g
  • cholesterol: 20mg
  • sodium: 140mg
  • potassium: 560mg
  • sugars: 30g
  • protein: 14g

Yes the calories are somewhat high, but the fat content is not very high. You can definitely do worse out there with certain frozen yogurt recipes!


Recipe 2: Lime Curd with Chocolate Cookies Crumbs

Lime Curd with Chocolate Cookie Crumbs Source

Strong flavors in lime and chocolate come together to form a delectable duo. The smoothness of the curd combined with the crunchy of the cookie crumbs make this a dessert you do not want to miss.


  • 2 large eggs, beaten
  • 6 Tbsp fresh lime juice
  • 1 tsp lime zest, finely minced
  • ½ cup powdered sugar
  • 8 chocolate wafers crumbed

Note: This only makes 8 servings, so you should plan on using more ingredients if making for a family or a party.


Recipe 3: Double-Chocolate Pudding

Double-Chocolate Pudding Source

I had to do a classic chocolate dessert! The great thing about this doubly delicious dessert, is that it can be served chilled or warm! So, you can satisfy more people with the same dessert. If you are a fan of chocolate, you will not want to miss this recipe


  • 1 oz. bittersweet chocolate
  • 2 cups low fat chocolate milk
  • 3 Tbsp cornstarch
  • 6 Tbsp aerosol whipped cream

Note: You can go low fat on the whipped cream as well



We have now come to the conclusion of the holiday, Dessertmas. I have given you guys information on cookies, cakes, pies, fruit and pudding like desserts. There are plenty of choices out there for you to try and feed, either for yourself or the family. I am not as focused on whether you take my suggestions for the holidays, but the one thing I hope all of you reading this do is make sure you make it known that you love someone. Spend time with family and friends and just show the people in your lives that you care. That is the real meaning of these holidays! Thank you all for reading and below I will link the previous for posts for you guys.

If you missed day FOUR, link is HERE

The Five Days of Dessertmas: First Four Days

Day 1: Cookies -->  LINK
Day 2: Cakes --> LINK
Day 3: Pies --> LINK
Day 4: Fruit Desserts --> LINK

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The 5 Days of Dessertmas Day 4: Fruit Desserts

Day 4: Fruit Desserts

On the fourth day of Dessertmas Natural Nutrition is giving you some fruit dessert recipes! When it comes to desserts for the family, or yourself, it does not always have to involve the use of chocolate. Here are some ideas for you to use to get some of your fruit into the diet in a creative way!

Recipe 1: Strawberry-Raspberry Sundaes

Strawberry-Raspberry Sundae Source

This may be more of a summer treat, but who is to say you cannot enjoy the tastiness of it at the holidays in December? The natural flavors of the strawberries and raspberries will bring out the sweet taste without all the sugar. Serve over frozen yogurt, which is absolutely delicious if I may say so myself!


  • 1 cup strawberries, plus more for garnish
  • 1/2 cup raspberries, plus more for garnish
  • 2 tablespoons sugar [ I recommend using NONE or very little of this]
  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 2 cups nonfat vanilla frozen yogurt

In my opinion, you are going to get the sweet taste out of the fruit naturally. Really making the dessert less healthy when you start adding that sugar when it is not necessary for the sweet taste.


Recipe 2: Apple-Sauced Nachos

Apple-Sauced Nachos Source

Sounds absolutely ridiculous does it not? Well do not knock it until you try it. Bake the tortilla chips in the oven in muffin cups and then top it with hot apples and raisins from a skillet gives you an interesting dessert. It is a very light dessert and is such an interesting idea that you will surely be the talk of the party when you reveal this one!


  • 2 6 - 7 - inches whole wheat flour tortillas*
  • Nonstick cooking spray
  • 1 teaspoon granulated sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon apple pie spice or pumpkin pie spice
  • 2 medium apples or pears, cored and sliced
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon packed brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon golden raisins, dark raisins, or dried currants
  • 1/2 teaspoon finely shredded orange peel

Again when making the topping for the tortilla chips, I think you can go lighter on the sugar. Remember that fruit have their own natural sugars in them, so you will really be overloading on the sugary taste in these desserts by adding more sugar. 


Recipe 3: Cinnamon-Scented Baked Pears

Cinnamon-Scented Baked Pears Source

Minimum ingredients, only ~25 minutes to prepare, and tastes great! What is not to like about this recipe? It uses fat-free ricotta cheese as a dip, but if you are like me and not a fan of ricotta, you can also use some fat-free yogurt to dip.


  • 4 medium pears, very ripe and juicy, such as Comice or Packham
  • ¾ tsp. ground cinnamon, divided
  • 1 cup fat-free ricotta cheese
  • 1 ½ tsp. SPLENDA® SPLENDA no calorie sweetener


  • Preheat oven to 400°F.

  • Cut pears lengthwise in quarters and core; do not peel. Slice pear quarters into 1/4-inch-thick slices. Arrange half of pears in a 9-inch glass pie dish in concentric circles. Sprinkle with 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon. Top with remaining pear slices and sprinkle with 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon. Bake until pears are tender and give off juices, about 25 minutes; remove from oven.

  • Place ricotta in bowl of an electric mixer. Add Splenda and remaining 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon. Beat until cheese is light and fluffy, about 1 minute. Yields about 1 cup of pears topped with 1/4 cup of seasoned ricotta per serving.


To enhance the flavor of this dessert, pour the cooked pear juices into a small saucepan and reduce by half over medium-high heat. Spoon over the pears before serving.


So this is what I have for you in the category for fruit desserts. I hope that you will maybe think about using these for your holidays and thank you so much for reading. See you for the final day of Dessertmas tomorrow!

If you missed day THREE, Link is HERE

Day 5: Pudding | Yogurt Desserts LINK


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The 5 Days of Dessertmas Day 3: Pies

Day 3: Pies

On the third day of Dessertmas,  Natural Nutrition is going to give you some healthy pie recipes to make! We have covered cookies and cakes so far, so why not use your baking prowess and make that masterpiece of a pie for the family or friends.

Recipe 1: Healthier Apple Pie by Grandma Ople
Healthier Apple Pie Source
Apple pie is one of those classic pies that many love. Still, the amount of butter and sugar used just does not make it the greatest option, healthwise. However, this recipe only uses ¼ cup of butter, ½ cup of sugar and a miniscule amount of flour. Enjoy the favorite apple pie all while cutting out a lot of that bad stuff!
Recipe HERE

Recipe 2: Healthy French Silk Pie (non-bake)
Healthy, non-bake, French Silk Pie
What makes a chocolate based pie healthy? This one includes tofu into it, a good source of non-animal protein, and is actually non-bake as well! You simply just have to make the pie mixture, pour it into your crust and play the waiting game while it cools in the refrigerator! This makes a great option for someone that does not have the oven space to bake pies.
Recipe HERE


Recipe 3: Heart Smart Impossibly Easy Coconut Pie

Heart Smart Coconut Pie Source

Try this delicious coconut pie that uses fat-free skim milk, fat-free egg product and fat-free whipped topping, if you are into whipped cream on top. With only 2g of fat and 160 calories per serving, this makes a great pie to have later with the family after your holiday dinner! Again sugars are high, but it is expected in desserts.

Nutrient Facts

  • Calories: 160 k/cal
  • Fat: 2g
  • Saturated fat: 1.5g
  • Total Carbohydrate: 29g
  • Sugars: 24g
  • Protein: 5g
Recipe HERE


Pies are one of those desserts that are just fantastic to have around the holidays. Add a little whip cream and ice cream and of course you have yourself a delicious combination. Using these recipes in conjunction with fat-free whipped cream, you will have yourself healthier pies for your very own Dessertmas! Thank you for reading and enjoy the holiday season!

If you missed it, Day 2 of Dessertmas is HERE

Day 4: Fruit Desserts --> LINK