Resolutions are pointless.... They are pointless when they are made halfheartedly, with little to no thought. Let's see if I've pegged your goals for the New Year?
This year I'm going to start exercising again. This year I am going to start eating better. This year I am going to be a better person.....
Well these are pretty pathetic goals if you don't mind me saying it. Think about it this way. What's eating healthier consist of? What does exercising more mean? How are you going to be a nicer person?
"Oh well I had a salad today, that's healthier than I have been eating, so I guess that means I can eat that chocolate cake later tonight..... Well I did go to the gym two times this year! that's one more time then last year? Goal met!..... Oh well I did pick up a pen for that cute girl yesterday, and I gave a dollar to the homeless man across the street from work last week....."
See what I mean? You're allowing yourself a cope-out by not defining your goals, so that you never actually have to do things differently in order to achieve the goal.
A lousy goal, makes for halfhearted attempts at bettering yourself for the new year. So why not make a real goal and begin a REAL attempt to better yourself. A fresh year for new beginnings as they say. So let's reflect on the past year and see where these improvements can be made. What obstacles stand in your way? What life hurdles do you need to overcome? What is imperative for you to change?
To assist you all in developing a REAL goal to be achieved I'm going to give you a little glimpse into my life, as well as my new years resolutionary process.
1.) Sit down and Assess
- Find a nice quiet spot away from it all, to sit down and reflect over the past year, and even the past few years.

- Grab a pencil and paper and actually write things down! Anything and everything that you would like to improve (you'll probably see a theme developing).
2.) Prioritize & Schedule
- Decide what you are willing to do on your own and recognize your limitations. For example, If you want to lose weight, maybe you need to think about hiring a trainer or finding a workout buddy for motivation.
- Buy a planner and make a schedule. Write down several potential times to which you can commit to your goal such as going to the gym. Once you make your goal a realization, then commit to it!
- Make back-up plans; If you're deciding to eat healthier, this would mean planning out grocery lists and researching recipes and foods you would be willing to eat/substitute for current options [as well as back-up options for the days you don't feel like cooking].
Commit yourself to the Goal

- Basically in the great words of the NIKE gods; Just do it!
- In all reality though, realize that there are going to be setbacks. There are going to be days where you want to give up, as well as days where you will give up.
- Remember this does not mean you failed! Even the greatest warriors have to go back to lick their wounds at times. Every single day is a battle. So even if you lost today's battle, make certain [absolutely certain] that you still win the war and that you see your goal through to the end.
It's time to make yourself the proud new men and women that you want to be.
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