by Patrick Vaughan
In society maybe it's good to be a hipster... at least until a few mentalities change.
So, today I am going to rant.

However in choosing this path, we have forgotten how to work, how to really grind, and dig down deep for that extra effort. You have to remember to not cut those corners, because it is that long and winding path from which we learn from experiences to become who we are today.
This is not for all. There are still glimmers of hope; that entrepreneurial spirit, the self-made men and women of our days. However these glimmers have become the few, instead of the many.
My point is that we look towards technology and medicine to do for ourselves, that which we should be doing on our own. Heart burn medication "tums", blood pressure medication, "fat-burning pills", and countless others, all to cure our ills and discomforts.
When we think about the why... why do these things happen? Type II diabetes, high blood pressure, joint stiffness, back pain, aches, heartburn... In most cases this is simply due to lifestyle factors, or in other words, Controllable factors such as our diet and ones exercise.

In such cases, your body is sending you a CLEAR and CONCISE message that "hey something you put into my system is upsetting me!". Listen to your body, take note, and alter your habits. Obviously your body does not "like" what you are currently doing to it. It isn't a sign that you should run to the medicine cabinet, it is a sign that maybe you should be eating foods without those certain spices, or that maybe you need to eat/drink more of the correct nutrients/minerals.
Back pain, high blood pressure, joint stiffness, and aches/pains can be a sign that you aren't taking care of your body. These pains are caused by muscle imbalances; using certain muscles more than others, ex.) your back might be more developed than your chest from hunching over at your desk all day causing a muscular imbalance, IE back pain. lack of use; every day that you don't use your muscles (at all) they atrophy - you lose 50% of the gains from the previous day, your bodily posture; ( check out this link to learn more about that, and when you continue to NOT exercise your body becomes unaccustomed to the rapid dilation of the blood vessels/oxygen exchange that is needed to occur efficiently upon exercise.
These are also physical signs your body is sending you! Telling you that you need to get up, lift weights, run, and move! Think about it this way. Our bodies are similar to that of sharks, if you don't keep moving, you will die! Although while in humans it shows up as "weakened bone density", "muscular atrophy", "aches and pains". For us, this muscular atrophy and these physical symptoms are akin to going belly-up.
Now I digress. My original point was on society and how we all for the most part have opted to take this path of least resistance.We have become dependent on technology; chained to our desks, prone to taking the elevators over the stairs, used to waiting 45 minutes for a bus, used to sitting down and droning out to humor on the internet or to the mindless chatter on the television....
My challenge to you is to be a "hipster" and to break free of these norms of society. Ride your bike to work or classes, take the stairs, play outside - make your own real life paintball version of call of duty, practice your talents at become the NEXT AMERICAN NINJA WARRIOR -, or read a book by a creek.
Most importantly though I advise you all to listen to your bodies. Eat better, start moving, and treat it like the temple that it truly is. I hate the saying YOLO, but it is true. You only live once. However the more work you put into your body now and the better you treat it, the higher the likelihood is that you will be that competent and active elder adult, as opposed to the bedridden and fragile one that we all fear of becoming.
Do yourself a favor and help me, to help you, to change society and most importantly yourself.
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